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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Periods of English Literature Essay Example
Times of English Literature Essay For accommodation of conversation, students of history separate the congruity of English writing into fragments of time that are called periods. The specific number, dates, and names of these periods vary,but the rundown beneath fits in with across the board practice. The rundown is trailed by a concise remark on every period, in sequential request. 450-1066 Old English (or Anglo-Saxon) Period 1066-1500 Middle English Period 1500-1660 The Renaissance (or Early Modern) 1558-1603 Elizabethan Age 603-1625 Jacobean Age 1625-1649 Caroline Age 1649-1660 Commonwealth Period (or Puritan Interregnum) 1660-1785 The Neoclassical Period 1660-1700 The Restoration 1700-1745 The Augustan Age (or Age of Pope) 1745-1785 The Age of Sensibility (or Age of Johnson) 1785-1830 The Romantic Period 1832-1901 The Victorian Period 1848-1860 The Pre-Raphaelites 1880-1901 Aestheticism and Decadence 1901-1914 The Edwardian Period 1910-1936 The Georgian Period 1914-The Modern Period 1945-PostmodernismThe Old Engl ish Period, or the Anglo-Saxon Period, stretched out from the intrusion of Celtic England by Germanic clans (the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes) in the primary portion of the fifth century to the triumph of England in 1066 by the Norman French under the initiative of William the Conqueror. Simply after they had been changed over to Christianity in the seventh century did the Anglo-Saxons, whose prior writing had been oral, start to build up a composed writing. (See oral equation based verse. An elevated level of culture and learning was before long accomplished in different cloisters; the eighth-century churchmen Bede and Alcuin were significant researchers who wrote in Latin, the standard language of global grant. The verse written in the vernacular Anglo-Saxon, referred to likewise as Old English, included Beowulf (eighth century), the best of Germanic epic sonnets, and such verse mourns as The Wanderer, The Seafarer, and Deor, the entirety of which, however created by Christian schola rs, mirror the states of life in the agnostic past.Caedmon and Cynewulf were artists who composed on scriptural and strict topics, and there endure various Old English existences of holy people, lessons, and summarizes of books of the Bible. Alfred the Great, a West Saxon lord (871-99) who for a period joined all the realms of southern England against another flood of Germanic trespassers, the Vikings, was no less significant as a supporter of writing than as a warrior. He himself converted into Old English different books of Latin exposition, regulated interpretations by different hands, and organized the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, a nonstop record, step by step, of significant occasions in England.See H. M. Chadwick, The Heroic Age (1912); S. B. Greenfield, A Critical History of Old English Literature (1965); C. L. Wrenn, A Study of Old English Literature (1966). Center English Period. The four and a half hundreds of years between the Norman Conquest in 1066, which affected radical ch anges in the language, life, and culture of England, and around 1500, when the standard artistic language (getting from the lingo of the London region) had become conspicuously current Englishâ€that is, like the language we talk and compose today.The range from 1100 to 1350 is here and there separated as the Anglo-Norman Period, on the grounds that the non-Latin writing of that time was composed for the most part in Anglo-Norman, the French vernacular spoken by the intruders who had built up themselves as the decision class of England, and who imparted an abstract culture to French-talking zones of territory Europe. Among the significant and compelling works from this period are Marie de Frances Lais (c. 1180â€which may have been composed while Marie was at the regal court in England), Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meuns Roman de la Rose (12257-75? , and Chretien de Troyes Erec et Enide (the main Arthurian sentiment, C. 1165) and Yvain (c. 1177-81). At the point when the loc al vernacularâ€descended from Anglo-Saxon, yet with broad lexical and syntactic components acclimatized from Anglo-Norman, and known as center Englishâ€came into general artistic use, it was from the start primarily the vehicle for strict and expository works. The primary extraordinary period of essentially mainstream literatureâ€rooted in the Anglo-Norman, French, Irish, and Welsh, just as the local English literatureâ€was the second 50% of the fourteenth century.This was the time of Chaucer and John Gower, of William Langlands incredible strict and mocking sonnet Piers Plowman, and of the mysterious ace who composed four significant sonnets in complex alliterative meter, including Pearl, a funeral poem, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. This last work is the most practiced of the English chivalric sentiments; the most eminent composition sentiment was Thomas Malorys Morte dArthur, composed a century later. The exceptional artists of the fifteenth century were the Sc ottish Chaucerians, who included King James I of Scotland and Robert Henryson.The fifteenth century was more significant for famous writing than for the sly writing routed to the high societies: it was the period of numerous amazing melodies, mainstream and strict, and of society ditties, just as the blooming time of the supernatural occurrence and profound quality plays, which were composed and created for the overall population. See W. L. Renwick and H. Orton, The Beginnings of English Literature to Skelton (fire up. , 1952); H. S. Bennett, Chaucer and the Fifteenth Century (1947); Edward Vasta, ed. , Middle English Survey: Critical Essays (1965). The Renaissance, 1500-1660.There is an expanding use by history specialists of the term early present day to signify this period: see the passage Renaissance. Elizabethan Age. Carefully, the time of the rule of Elizabeth I (1558-1603); the term Elizabethan, in any case, is regularly utilized freely to allude to the late sixteenth and mid seventeenth hundreds of years, much after the demise of Elizabeth. This was a period of quick improvement in English business, oceanic force, and patriot feelingâ€the thrashing of the Spanish Armada happened in 1588. It was an incredible (in show the best) time of English literatureâ€the time of Sir Philip Sidney, Christopher Marlowe,Edmund Spenser, Shakespeare, Sir Walter Raleigh, Francis Bacon, Ben Jonson, and numerous other remarkable scholars of exposition and of sensational, verse, and story verse. Various researchers have thought back on this time as one of scholarly intelligence and social request; a persuasive model was E. M. W. Tillyards The Elizabethan World Picture (1943). Late chronicled pundits, be that as it may, have underlined its scholarly vulnerabilities and political and social clashes; see new historicism. Jacobean Age. The rule of James I (in Latin, Jacobus), 1603-25, which followed that of Queen Elizabeth.This was the period in composition works of Bacon , John Donnes messages, Robert Burtons Anatomy of Melancholy, and the King James interpretation of the Bible. It was additionally the hour of Shakespeares most noteworthy disasters and tragicomedies, and of significant compositions by other outstanding artists and writers including Donne, Ben Jonson, Michael Drayton, Lady Mary Wroth, Sir Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, John Webster, George Chapman, Thomas Middleton, Philip Massinger, and Elizabeth Cary, whose remarkable scriptural dramatization The Tragedy of Mariam, the Faire Queene of Jewry was first long play by an Englishwoman to be published.See Basil Willey, The Seventeenth Century Background (1934); Douglas Bush, English Literature in the Earlier Seventeenth Century (1945); C. V. Wedgewood, Seventeenth Century English Literature (1950). Caroline Age. The rule of Charles I, 1625-49; the name is gotten from Carolus, the Latin form of Charles. This was the hour of the English Civil War battled between the supporters of the r uler (known as Cavaliers) and the supporters of Parliament (known as Roundheads/from their custom of wearing their hair style short).John Milton started his composition during this period; it was the age additionally of the strict artist George Herbert and of the exposition essayists Robert Burton and Sir Thomas Browne. Related with the court were the Cavalier artists, authors of clever and cleaned verses of romance and courage. The gathering included Richard Lovelace, Sir John Suckling, and Thomas Carew. Robert Herrick, albeit a nation parson, is frequently grouped with the Cavalier artists since, similar to them, he was a Son of Benâ€that is, an admirer and supporter of Ben Jonsonâ€in a large number of his verses of adoration and courageous compliment.See Robin Skelton, Cavalier Poets (1960). The Commonwealth Period, otherwise called the Puritan Interregnum,extends from the finish of the Civil War and the execution of Charles I in 1649 to the rebuilding of the Stuart governm ent under Charles II in 1660. In this period England was governed by Parliament under the Puritan chief Oliver Cromwell; his passing in 1658 denoted the disintegration of the Commonwealth. Show nearly vanished for a long time after the Puritans shut the open performance centers in September 1642, on good and strict grounds, yet in addition to forestall open gatherings that may instigate common disorder.It was the period of Miltons political leaflets, of Hobbes political treatise Leviathan (1651), of the composition essayists Sir Thomas Browne, Thomas Fuller, Jeremy Taylor, and Izaak Walton, and of the artists Henry Vaughan, Edmund Waller, Abraham Cowley, Sir William Davenant, and Andrew Marvell. The Neoclassical Period, 1660-1785; see the section neoclassic and sentimental. Reclamation. This period takes its name from the reclamation of the Stuart line (Charles II) to the English seat in 1660, toward the finish of the Commonwealth; it is indicated as going on until 1700.The urbanity , mind, and vulgarity of the existence focusing on the court, in sharp complexity to the earnestness and collectedness of the previous Puritan system, is reflected in a great part of the writing of this age. The venues returned to overwhelming life after the disavowal of the boycott set on them by the Puritans in 1642, in spite of the fact that they turned out to be more
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Sustainabile Production Of Palm Oil Environmental Sciences Essay
This endeavor is focused on how the maintainability development can be utilized to aline the ecological amicable examples of palm oil creation. It assembles the financial and monetary, ecological and cultural elements of the worry. The methodological examination comprises of a clear investigation of the supportability build that incorporates three basic aspects. The preeminent one is the high pay program of adapting the monetary, financial and cultural advantages and lessening the ecological impacts of the exercises of oil thenar agribusiness over both the short-and long-terms. Second, in hamburger uping connections and associations by acquainting and working with the representatives, financial specialists and partners to discuss their requests and those of the business in expanding the creation of excellent stocks from palm oil and its stocks. The third one is by significance the trustworthiness and committedness in proceeding with the high moral thought processes of the business in its every day methodology by bring forthing zero waste by full use of its results in this way decreasing contamination. It is our conviction that enterprises are making the proper thing by doing manageability a bit of its twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours movement and it is other than our solid conviction that the strategies recognized in the maintainability model are for the more beneficial developing of the business in the twenty-first century.Work-packagesAt the clasp this endeavor proposition was made, the word bundling is related with the point of this endeavor. They incorporate To really comprehend the worth use of the thenar oil To occur out other monetary estimations of the oil thenar To put the by - results of oil thenar subsequent to treating and approaches to better on the waste that is been created. To genuinely comprehend the utility of a thenar tree. It is really of import to comprehend that each segment of a thenar tree is altogether utile The techniques associated with the creation of a thenar tree. To frontal area manners by which palm oil creation could be made progressively practical in the creation link. To gauge the conceivable piece of clean ( er ) designing to build the natural open introduction of the unpleasant palm oil industry To dissect application boundaries for cleaner creation in harsh palm oil industry To deliver develops for venturing to every part of the palm oil industry towards sustainabilityExpected ResultsIt is normal that this endeavor will demo grouped methods engaged with the creation of palm oil. It will other than closer view nations that require advancement in footings of power coevals which could be utilized at the manufacturing plant, conduit creation which is utilized in the cleansing methodology using the waste that is been produced from the industrial facility. This endeavor will travel a long way in doing us to comprehend the different stocks which could be created from the waste produced from the processing plant like the unfilled organic product early lunch which could be in the creation of cleanser and cleansers, different stocks which could be produced using nonedible palm oil like Candles, Printing inks, Biodiesel, acids to grease up strands in the texture business, Cosmetics.Technical risk anticipatedThis undertaking will non be anticipating any capable dang er. This is on the grounds that the endeavor would be founded on the examination and crowd from significant thenar oil factory.Resources needSome of import assets will be required for this endeavor. These assets will include: Web data Data from oil production line Library informationBeneficiaries of the workThis undertaking will learn me some of import uses of palm oil what's more others utilizes that could be gotten from the waste that is been produced from the production line. I will other than larn some ecological issues that will be related with the creation of palm oil. This endeavor will regard businesses that produce palm oil for the proficient and attainable methods of palm oil production.IntroductionHistorical improvement of the universe thenar oilThe start of palm oil began in the downpour wood of West Africa, where it was utilized as a balance of oil and nutrients. Its ingestion has been for in excess of 5,000 mature ages. ( Chavalparit, 2006 ) Presently the oil thenar tree can be seen in numerous tropical states in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The most basic nations of oil thenar agribusiness is in South East Asia. States like Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand produce around 80 % of the universe ‘s palm oil ( Gopal, 2001 ) . Oil thenar seeds were acquainted with Indonesia and Malaysia in 1848 and 1875 severally and the main mechanical oil thenar ranch was presented in Malaysia in 1917. ( Chavalparit, 2006 ) The pre-winter in money related worth gum versatile in the late 1920s invigorated the agribusiness of oil thenar in Malaysia at t hat cut ; Nigeria and Zaire were the prima thenar oil producers known to mankind. From 1960-1995, the palm oil industry in Malaysia showed a truly quick turn of events and ever since it has been the universe ‘s prima exporter of thenar oil since 1966 supplanting Nigeria, which had been the significant producer and exporter since the presentation of palm oil into the universe showcase. ( Chavalparit, 2006 ) All the more late, maintainability has gotten over the top thought with fights to coordinate it into the palm oil concern conspire. In the maintainability model, the ecological, monetary and cultural qualities are read for their persuasions in both the short-run and long-terms. The three pronged approach of high salary, esteem add-on and nothing waste are analyzed as part of the excursion towards corporate manageability. Making so has one time again uncovered the advantages of the reap in providing oil to the universe. Oil thenar ( Elaeis guineensis ) was started in the tropical downpour backwoods part of West Africa and is one of the taking business oil collects in that part. ( FAO ) The agribusiness of oil thenar fills in as an office of salary for a few people and really the agrarian human progress of 1000000s of individuals in West Africa. The notice to oil thenar as a gather of a few qualities underlines its monetary significance. It comprise of basic constituents which incorporates ; the fronds, the foliages, the bole and the roots which are utilized for army purposes which ranges from palm oil, thenar meat oil, thenar vino, brush, and palm meats cake. Survey on the practical agribusiness is basic because of the planetary contribution on how palm oil manors have advanced and a lot of standards/rules are essential for the creation of palm oil. Numerous vital preferences are prior inside the oil thenar arrangement of works physiology of high productiveness and strong C osmosis. Oil thenar is at tributed with its extraordinary oil yield per unit nation. It yields two kinds of oils from a similar organic product. They are palm meats oil from the seed or bit inside the hard-shell mesocarp and palm oil from the tissue or meso carp. ( Y. Basiron, 2007 ) The thenar meat other than produces a left over product which is known as thenar meat repast, which could be utilized to take care of vivify creatures. These oils are taken out by mindful split-up at various periods of the processing method. The creation of Palm meat is around 10 % of the aggregate of palm oil delivered. The two oils have disparate uses and market trade foundations. The oil from the substance or mesocarp ( palm oil ) is utilized generally for supplement, while the oil from the meat goes to a great extent into the oleochemical business for the creation of cleansers, cleansers and latrine articles stocks. Various biomass stocks created from the oil thenar are non spent strongly. Creation workss or handle oil Mills s regularly produce enormous aggregates of fiber-type stocks which are in the signifier of void organic product Bunches and natural product mesocarp strands, which are other than utilized back in the estate for mulching and other farming goals. Organic products fiber and the meat shell are accustomed to deliver power and steam for the industrial facility by discharging them inside the kettle. The ease to dish vitality at the manufacturing plant assists with chopping down the expense of palm oil creation according to the vitality required to pull out the meat and the oil. The oil been delivered from the thenar chronicles for around 10 % of the whole dry biomass while the other 90 % shows a significant start of fiber cellulosic stuff which anticipates business use. It could be foreseen that up and coming biofuel will be focused on the change of cellulosic fiber or biomass into fluid fuel. This makes the oil thenar really alluring as a moving toward start of sustainable power source fr om the biomass which, if fairly saddled prudently, will uplift the economical creation of palm oil. In the bio-based financial framework, the handiness of biomass as feedstock for vitality and stocks will sensibly rely upon the remaining parts acquired from the agro-food connection. In this review, the idea of expanding the manageability of the thenar oil esteem connection will be elucidated with the reason to procure an irrefutable maintainable biomass. It is made realized that a typical use of both the esteemed edible oil and biomass remains will result in a progressively feasible worth link. At the end of the day, it ought to be earth sound, monetarily attainable and socially adequate. Palm oil creation delivers large proportions of biomass side-effect which is multiple times the oil creation and they are non used solidly to increase the value of the creation link. The current thenar oil creation understanding is to a great extent observed as impractical in light of negative impacts on biodiversity, for example, mischief of virgin woods and nursery gas transmissions related with bing waste dumping techniques. The ingestion of side-effects for vitality and green synthetic substances gives positions to be aftering a â€Å" affirmed †practical nutrien
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive How to Solve Any Sentence Correction Problem on the GMAT, Part 1
Blog Archive How to Solve Any Sentence Correction Problem on the GMAT, Part 1 With regard to the GMAT, raw intellectual horsepower helps, but it is not everything. Manhattan Prep’s Stacey Koprince teaches you how to perform at your best on test day by using some common sense. Manhattan GMAT has developed a special process for Sentence Correction (SC). Some students and classes have seen it, but here we are sharing it publicly! Read on and let us know what you think. The Five Steps for Sentence Correction The full article on the MGMAT blog goes into more detail on each step. Take a first glance. Read the sentence. Find a starting point. Eliminate answers. Repeat steps 3 and 4. As with any process, you will sometimes decide to deviate for some good reason. For most questions, though, you will follow this basic process. In this post, I briefly introduce each step, but the full article goes into more detail, so make sure to follow up by reading that. Take a First Glance The idea here is to take a “holistic†glance at the entire screen: let your eyes go slightly out of focus (do NOT read!), look at about the middle of whatever text is on the screen, and take in three things: â€" the problem type (in this case, SC) â€" the length of the whole sentence â€" the length of the underline (or the length of the answers) This first glance will help you formulate a plan of attack. Read the Sentence Next, read the sentence as a complete sentence, not just a collection of potential grammar issues. Pay attention to the overall meaning that the sentence is trying to convey. Find a Starting Point Eliminate Answers When you spot something you know is wrong, immediately cross off answer (A) on your scrap paper. Check that same issue (and only that issue!) in the remaining answer choices; eliminate any answers that repeat the error. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 SC is a bit annoying in that your initial starting point often will not allow you to cross off all four wrong answers. You usually have to find multiple starting points. Once you have dealt with one issue, return either to the original sentence or to a comparison of the answer choices, wherever you left off. What to Do When You Are Stuck In general, once you get stuck, give yourself one shot to “unstick†yourself. Try comparing different answers to see whether anything new pops out at you. If not, guess and move on. Half the battle on the GMAT is knowing when to stop trying. Set explicit “cutoffs†for yourselfâ€"rules for when to let goâ€"and stick to them! Next Steps Got all of that? Good! In the second and third parts of this series, I will give you some drills that you can use to build the different skills needed to get through an SC problem. Until then, go ahead and practice the overall process until you internalize the different steps. Good luck! Share ThisTweet GMAT Blog Archive How to Solve Any Sentence Correction Problem on the GMAT, Part 1 With regard to the GMAT, raw intellectual horsepower helps, but it is not everything. Manhattan Prep’s Stacey Koprince teaches you how to perform at your best on test day by using some common sense. Manhattan GMAT has developed a special process for Sentence Correction (SC). Some students and classes have seen it, but here we are sharing it publicly! Read on and let us know what you think. The Five Steps for Sentence Correction The full article on the MGMAT blog goes into more detail on each step. Take a first glance. Read the sentence. Find a starting point. Eliminate answers Repeat steps 3 and 4. As with any process, you will sometimes decide to deviate for some good reason. For most questions, though, you will follow this basic process. In this post, I briefly introduce each step, but the full article goes into more detail, so make sure to follow up by reading that. Take a First Glance The idea here is to take a “holistic†glance at the entire screen: let your eyes go slightly out of focus (do NOT read!), look at about the middle of whatever text is on the screen, and take in three things: â€" the problem type (in this case, SC) â€" the length of the whole sentence â€" the length of the underline (or the length of the answers) This first glance will help you formulate a plan of attack. Read the Sentence Next, read the sentence as a complete sentence, not just a collection of potential grammar issues. Pay attention to the overall meaning that the sentence is trying to convey. Find a Starting Point Eliminate Answers When you spot something you know is wrong, immediately cross off answer (A) on your scrap paper. Check that same issue (and only that issue!) in the remaining answer choices; eliminate any answers that repeat the error. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 SC is a bit annoying in that your initial starting point often will not allow you to cross off all four wrong answers. You usually have to find multiple starting points. Once you have dealt with one issue, return either to the original sentence or to a comparison of the answer choices, wherever you left off. What to Do When You Are Stuck In general, once you get stuck, give yourself one shot to “unstick†yourself. Try comparing different answers to see whether anything new pops out at you. If not, guess and move on. Half the battle on the GMAT is knowing when to stop trying. Set explicit “cutoffs†for yourselfâ€"rules for when to let goâ€"and stick to them! Next Steps Got all of that? Good! In the second and third parts of this series, I will give you some drills that you can use to build the different skills needed to get through an SC problem. Until then, go ahead and practice the overall process until you internalize the different steps. Good luck! Share ThisTweet GMAT Blog Archive How to Solve Any Sentence Correction Problem on the GMAT, Part 1 With regard to the GMAT, raw intellectual horsepower helps, but it is not everything. Manhattan Prep’s Stacey Koprince teaches you how to perform at your best on test day by using some common sense. Manhattan GMAT has developed a special process for Sentence Correction (SC). Some students and classes have seen it, but here we are sharing it publicly! Read on and let us know what you think. The Five Steps for Sentence Correction Take a first glance. Read the sentence. Find a starting point. Eliminate answers Repeat steps 3 and 4. As with any process, you will sometimes decide to deviate for some good reason. For most questions, though, you will follow this basic process. In this post, I briefly introduce each step, but the full article goes into more detail, so make sure to follow up by reading that. 1. Take a First Glance The idea here is to take a “holistic†glance at the entire screen: let your eyes go slightly out of focus (do NOT read!), look at about the middle of whatever text is on the screen, and take in three things: â€" the problem type (in this case, SC) â€" the length of the whole sentence â€" the length of the underline (or the length of the answers) This first glance will help you formulate a plan of attack. 2. Read the Sentence Next, read the sentence as a complete sentence, not just a collection of potential grammar issues. Pay attention to the overall meaning that the sentence is trying to convey. 3.Find a Starting Point 4. Eliminate Answers When you spot something you know is wrong, immediately cross off answer (A) on your scrap paper. Check that same issue (and only that issue!) in the remaining answer choices; eliminate any answers that repeat the error. 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 SC is a bit annoying in that your initial starting point often will not allow you to cross off all four wrong answers. You usually have to find multiple starting points. Once you have dealt with one issue, return either to the original sentence or to a comparison of the answer choices, wherever you left off. What to Do When You Are Stuck In general, once you get stuck, give yourself one shot to “unstick†yourself. Try comparing different answers to see whether anything new pops out at you. If not, guess and move on. Half the battle on the GMAT is knowing when to stop trying. Set explicit “cutoffs†for yourselfâ€"rules for when to let goâ€"and stick to them! Next Steps Got all of that? Good! In the second and third parts of this series, I will give you some drills that you can use to build the different skills needed to get through an SC problem. Until then, go ahead and practice the overall process until you internalize the different steps. Good luck! Share ThisTweet GMAT
Monday, May 25, 2020
Plato s A Good Life - 1393 Words
Plato’s book can be fun however difficult to comprehend, Plato prefers to write in the form of dialogue. Socrates was Plato’s teacher and he seemed to have a theory that â€Å"we ought to lead a moral life whether or not such life leads to happiness.†However, Plato didn’t seem to agree with Socrates on that, he argued that â€Å"the righteous life is not only good in itself but also necessary condition of a happy life†The book Plato’s republic discusses about several important and fascinating theories of topics. Plato spends most of his time discussing about the â€Å"good life†, he appears to believe that a perfect life has to be managed under the perfect conditions. When you have a perfect life managed under the perfect conditions you end up getting a perfect society, then that perfect society would have to include justice within it. Once the book begins to talk about justice it gets less complicated, the definition of justice would be that the people who are just are only just, because they are afraid that they will get punished if they were unjust. He then uses the story of the Gyges ring as an example. The story was that there was a magical ring and if a man would turn the ring would be turned inward he would turn invisible, and when outward he would reappear and he would be able to do all the unjust things he wanted to. The story of the ring of Gyges is stating that those who want to be just are only just because they find it necessary, not because they truly want to be just andShow MoreRelatedThe Good Life : Plato s Apology And Emerson s Self Reliance2243 Words  | 9 PagesThe Good Life In Plato’s Apology and Emerson’s Self Reliance, the belief of the definition of a good life expresses in both pieces. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Biography of Girolamo Savonarola
Savonarola was an Italian friar, preacher and religious reformer of the late fifteenth century. Thanks to his struggle against what he considered a corruption of Catholicism infesting Florence, and his refusal to bow to a Borgia Pope he considered much the same, he was burnt, but not after ruling Florence in a remarkable four years of Republican and moral reform. Early Years Savonarola was born in Ferrara on September 21st, 1452. His grandfather – a mildly famous moralist and trusted physician - educated him, and the boy studied medicine. However, in 1475 he entered the Dominican Friars in Bologna and began to teach and study scripture. Why exactly we don’t know, but a rejection over love and a spiritual depression are popular theories; his family objected. He took up a position in Florence – home of the Renaissance - in 1482. At this stage he wasn’t a successful speaker – he asked the guidance of famed humanist and rhetorician Garzon, but was rudely rejected – and remained bitterly disaffected at the world, even the Dominicans, but soon developed what would make him famous: prophecy. The people of Florence had turned away from his vocal shortcomings until he bought an apocalyptic, prophetic heart to his sermons. In 1487 he returned to Bologna for assessment, failed to be selected for academic life, perhaps after disagreeing with his tutor, and from after that, he toured until ​Lorenzo de Medici secured his return to Florence. Lorenzo was turning to philosophy and theology to stave off a darkening mood, illness, and loss of loved ones, and he wanted a famed preacher to balance the hostile views of the Pope to Florence. Lorenzo was advised by the theologian and preacher Pico, who had met Savonarola and wanted to learn from him.​ Savonarola becomes the Voice of Florence In 1491 Girolamo Savonarola became Prior of the Dominican House of S. Marco in Florence (set up by Cosimo de Medici and reliant on family money). His speech-making had developed, and thanks to a powerful charisma, a good way with words, and a very effective grasp of how to manipulate his audience, Savonarola became very popular very quickly. He was a reformer, a man who saw many things wrong with both Florence and the church, and he spelled this out in his sermons, calling for reform, attacking humanism, renaissance paganism, ‘bad’ rulers like the Medici; those who watched were often deeply moved. Savonarola didn’t stop at just pointing out what he considered faults: he was the latest in a line of Florentine would be prophets, and he claimed Florence would fall to soldiers and their rulers were it not better led. His sermons on the apocalypse were hugely popular. The exact relation of Savonarola and Florence – whether its history affected his character more or less than his demagoguery affected the citizens – has been much debated, and the situation was more nuanced than just a man of words whipping people up: Savonarola had been deeply critical of Florence’s Medici rulers, but Lorenzo de Medici may have still called for Savonarola as the former was dying; the latter was there, but might have gone of his own accord. Savonarola was drawing huge crowds, and attendance at other preachers was falling. Savonarola becomes Master of Florence Lorenzo de Medici died two years before he, and his fellow rulers in Italy, faced a major threat: a French invasion which seemed on the verge of great conquests. Instead of Lorenzo, Florence had Piero de Medici, but he failed to react well enough (or even competently) to keep power; suddenly Florence had a gap at the top of its government. And at this very moment, Savonarola’s prophecies seemed to be coming true: he and the Florentine people felt he had been right, as a French army threatened a slaughter, and he accepted the citizen’s request to head a delegation to negotiate with France. Suddenly he had become a leading rebel, and when he helped a Florentine agreement with France that saw a peaceful occupation and the army left, he was a hero. While Savonarola never held any office himself beyond that of his religious career, from 1494 to 1498 he was the de facto ruler of Florence: again and again, the city responded to what Savonarola preached, including creating a new government structure. Savonarola now offered more than the apocalypse, preaching hope and success for those who listened and reformed, but that if Florence faltered things would get dire. Savonarola did not waste this power. He began a reform designed to make Florence more Republican, rewriting the constitution with places like Venice in the forefront of his mind. But Savonarola also saw a chance to reform the morals of Florence, and he preached against all manner of vices, from drinking, gambling, to types of sex and singing he didn’t like. He encouraged ‘Burning of the Vanities’, where items deemed inappropriate to a Christian republic were destroyed on mighty pyres, such as lewd artworks. The works of the humanists fell victim to this – although not in as great quantities as later remembered - not because Savonarola was against books or scholarship, but because of their influences from the ‘pagan’ past. Ultimately, Savonarola wanted Florence to become a true city of god, the heart of the church and Italy. He organized Florence’s children into a new unit that would report and fight against vice; some locals complained t hat Florence was in the grip of children. Savonarola insisted that Italy would be scourged, the papacy would be rebuilt, and the weapon would be France, and he kept allied to the French king when pragmatism suggested a turn to the Pope and the Holy League. The Fall of Savonarola Savonarola’s rule was divisive, and an opposition formed because Savonarola’s increasingly extreme position only increased people’s alienation. Savonarola was attacked by more than enemies within Florence: Pope Alexander VI, perhaps better known as Rodrigo Borgia, had been trying to unite Italy against the French, and excommunicated Savonarola for continuing to support the French and not obeying him; meanwhile, France made peace, abandoning Florence and leaving Savonarola embarrassed. Alexander had tried to trap Savonarola in 1495, inviting him to Rome for a personal audience, but Savonarola had quickly realized and refused. Letters and orders flowed back and forth between Savonarola and the Pope, the former always refusing to bow. The Pope may have even offered to make Savonarola a Cardinal if he’d fall into line. After the excommunication, the Pope said the only way to lift it was for Savonarola to submit and Florence to join his sponsored League. Finally, Savonarola’s supporters grew too thin, the electorate too against him, the excommunication too much, an interdict in Florence threatened, and another faction got into power. The trigger point was a proposed trial by fire proposed by a rival preacher which, while Savonarola’s supporters technically won (rain stopped the fire), it had introduced enough doubt for his enemies to arrest him and his supporters, torture him, condemn him, and then publically hang and burn him in Florenco’s Piazza della Signoria. His reputation has endured thanks to a group of passionate supporters who remain, five hundred years later, convinced of his Catholic belief and martyrdom, and wish for him to be a saint. We don’t know whether Savonarola was a clever schemer who saw the power of apocalyptic visions or an ill man who experienced hallucinations and used them effectively.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comparing One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest and The Crucible...
Power and control are the central ideas of Ken Kesey’s One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest. There are examples of physical, authoritative and mechanical power in the novel, as well as cases of self-control, and control over others. Nurse Ratched is the ultimate example of authoritative power and control over others but R.P. McMurphy refuses to acknowledge the Nurse’s power, and encourages others to challenge the status quo. The other patients begin powerless, but with McMurphy’s help, learn to control their own lives. Many symbols are also used to represent power and control in the book, such as the ‘Combine’, ‘fog’, and the imagery of machines. Arthur Miller develops themes of power somewhat differently in his play The Crucible. Because†¦show more content†¦In The Crucible, Miller too created a character that would stand against authority; John Proctor. When Proctor is questioned as to why he has not been to church in so long, he admits that he has ill feelings towards Parris and the way that Parris gives sermons. Proctor does not like authority, and since Parris talks as though he is an authority figure, Proctor has an issue with this. Proctor is very critical over representatives of authority. Proctor changes from a timid character held in bondage by his sin, to a strong, righteous man who will die for the truth. This drastic change in his character is the basis of his significance to the outcome of the play. When faced with the prospect of either confessing to something he didn’t do, or dying, he tells judge Danforth that he cannot have his confession and name nailed to the church door because it would be tray his friends who have already died for the truth. When Danforth refutes this, John says, â€Å"Beguile me not! I blacken all of them when this is nailed to the church the very day they hang for silence!†(143). Proctor seizes the power back from those who are misusing it, simply by refusing to be a part of the false confessions. The unyielding faith of Proctor’s wife, the influence of the people who share his beliefs and his triumph over an inner struggle help him make a decision that he believes will finally set him free from his past. Kesey’s character against power is Randle Patrick McMurphy.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Ku Klux Klan free essay sample
The Ku Klux Klan The Ku Klux Klan was started as an underground terrorist group against the civil rights movement that freed the slaves after the American Civil War. (sun. menloschool. org) The Ku Klux Klan or commonly referred as the KKK would define themselves as a political party, one that they also call the White Rights Movement. Whites, according to the KKK are giving up their lives in a sacrificial manner for those who are not white. (sun. menloschool. org) The KKK was made up of both men and women. Having the first and second Ku Klux Klan affect society and the Freeman’s Bureau that would protect the rights of former slaves would impact society for years to come. The first Ku Klux Klan was an organization that thrived in the South during the Reconstruction period following the Civil War. The first branch of the Ku Klux Klan was established in Pulaski, Tennessee, in May, 1866. We will write a custom essay sample on The Ku Klux Klan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (www. encyclopedia. com) One year later an organization of local members were established in Nashville in April, 1867. During the next two years Klansmen wearing masks, white cardboard hats and draped in white sheets, tortured and killed black Americans and sympathetic whites. Although the Klan was often able to achieve its aims by terror alone, whippings and lynchings were also used, not only against blacks but also against the so-called carpetbaggers and scalawags. (www. encyclopedia. com) The second Ku Klux Klan was a nationwide organization that flourished after World War I and was founded by William J. Simmons. The new Klan had a wider program than its forerunner, for it added to white supremacy. †(www. encyclopedia. com) Subsequent groups calling themselves the Ku Klux Klan sprang up in much of the South after World War II and in response to civil-rights activity during the 1960s. (www. encyclopedia. com) The effects that this group has had on society, however is grossly non debatable. There are all aspects on how this group tries to impact the society. Crimes are the first thing that people will associate with the KKK. They justify that the people who do these crimes are people of hate, who joined for vengeful purposes, and who are not members. (sun. menloschool. org) Known crimes associated with the KKK are burning of black churches, beatings, hanging a noose above people’s doors, or burning crosses on non whites lawns. The Ku Klux Klan has had a large impact on society since World War I. They tortured people who did not have the same background or culture as them. The effects the KKK left on society caused the Congress to create laws to protect others. To this day, everyone is supposed to be treated equal and acts such as those of the KKK are not acceptable. Bibliography http://sun. menloschool. org/~sportman/ethnic/individual/kkk/ http://www. encyclopedia. com/topic/Ku_Klux_Klan. aspx http://www. spartacus. schoolnet. co. uk/USAkkk. htm {draw:frame} In the picture above, you can see by the feet that both men and women were active in the KKK.
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